Hello Fellow GRS members and friends.
As I sit here, I’m thinking about what I could recommend that would help our roses through the extremes of summer heat. For the past three summers we have had nearly three-digit heat degrees for most of the spring and summer months. Keeping them hydrated and cool will be the best path to lessen plant stress. I would suggest making sure there is plenty of mulch around each plant, three to four inches deep/thick. Another thing, unless you have an automatic watering system, being gone from home for extended periods, the roses may suffer from loss of moisture. I have seen in these cases where if you place a couple coffee cans, with very small holes, on each side of the plant. When it rains the can could fill up and provide seeping water up to a week. Hopefully it would rain at least once a week in order for this to be effective.
Last month was our annual pruning meeting here at the Stream’s Garden. There were a few who took part in cutting back 8 to 10 roses and learned how Ralph does his pruning. Thanks to CR’s Kathy and Wayne for helping to demonstrate their pruning skills too. If you missed out, you can still drop by and take a look. The entire garden is now finished and starting to show red growth.
This year’s DSD Mid-Winter Meeting has been moved to February 28-March 2nd. It is now too late to participate in the Saturday night banquet, but you can still register at the desk and take part in all other activities, programs, vendor sales and raffles. Plus, the opportunity to make some new friends.
Our March 9th program will be on Thornless and Shade tolerant roses, presented by Consulting Rosarian, Kathy Porter. Kathy always does a great job, so please be sure to come and lend your support.
Don’t forget your raffle items on the 9th. This helps GRS earn a few dollars. Thanks to all who bring items and buy tickets.
Take care, and I look forward to seeing you soon.